Printers and Converters

Get new leads, new printing jobs

Expand your client portfolio

We are on a constant search for printing houses / converters (with flexo, offset and digital equipment). Keeping up to date with the changes in the industry helps us put in contact the right clients with the printing houses adapted to their jobs specificities. “More work” is the key to your growth. We deliver leads that turn into sales and offer services related to client portfolio management.

Operational audit

Our 20+ years of experience gained inside printing houses with thousands of hours spent next to machinery, operators and managing personnel are irreplaceable. We successfully analyzed and assessed operations that needed to be reformulated and implemented on the work floor and for the management. Our expertise is relevant and valuable. We are selling concrete solutions, not empty words and numbers.

Project management & operational support

Besides an active role in sales (leads generation), for new and existing jobs we can manage their production flow for you. We start in the early stages by choosing together with our clients the adequate materials. Furthermore, we can assist all along the process with services of: design, prepressbon à tirer (BAT/ BT) on machines and print production supervision. You can count on us for finding and implementing logistics solutions to shorten lead times.

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